Welcome to nopAngels, a nopCommerce Gold Partner

Tell Us Your Idea

  • • Share your project idea with us.
  • • We evaluate and consider investing in interesting projects.
  • • Collaborative decision on payment and equity share.
  • • Advantageous rebuy options post-launch.
  • • No time limit on our support and investment.

Development on Demand

  • • Classical development approach.
  • • Requirements analysis and project quotation.
  • • Execution with milestones for partial deliveries.
  • • Versatility: complete projects, plugins, upgrades, and more.


  • • Time and material model.
  • • Dedicated team set for each customer.
  • • Bi-weekly sprints with tangible outputs.
  • • Regular review and backlog planning meetings.
  • • Flexible project duration, customer-driven end point.